2021 Hospital Challenge

Challenge details

This year, we are excited to introduce our new hospital challenge for hospital partners in Los Angeles, Orange County, Inland Empire, the High Desert, and Ventura. Our Challenge period runs from March 8-April 18.


Each week will involve a different type of challenge or activity and include fun prizes for top performers. At the end of the Challenge period, the top three teams and top three individual fundraisers will receive special recognition and bragging rights!


This week is all about building the team! The top three team captains who recruit the largest number of new team members who each personally contribute at least $25 will receive March of Dimes caps!


Post your personal baby picture on your social media along with your fundraising page link! Ask family, friends and colleagues to donate at least $25. Be sure to tag our Hospital Challenge Facebook group page so we can see your pics!


Some heroes wear capes others wear scrubs or March for Babies t-shirts. It's time to reach out and encourage those donations! All fundraisers who reach the $100 mark will receive a 2021 March for Babies t-shirt!

The top three individual fundraisers this week will each receive a MOD Hero Nurse t-shirt!

Week 4 (Mar 29-Apr 4): ROCK-A-BYE BABY CHALLENGE

Show us your best bedside manner and let’s rock! Record yourself or your team singing and/or dancing to your favorite lullaby. It could be slow, fast or in between. There are tons of unique versions available. Use TikTok or other social media platforms to show us your stuff!

Week 5 (Apr 5-11): "WHY I WALK" SIGN CHALLENGE

This year, share your "Why" with the world on a big, beautiful poster! All individuals who reach the $250 mark will receive a personalized "Why I Walk" sign! AND WE’LL WALK IN WITH LUNCH (or meet curbside) for the team that is able to bring the most team members up to or beyond $250 by week's end!

Week 6 (Apr 12-18): LET'S BRING THIS BABY HOME!

We're nearly there! Be sure to check your progress on the Hospital Challenge Leaderboard and get all your asks out!


Check out our helpful tips for Team Captains and Team Members below.

And visit our Fundraising Resources page to access March for Babies posters, logos, social media tools, online fundraising ideas, our Team Captain toolkit and more!

Week 1 - growing your team

Think of friends, family or coworkers to create a team of 10 by recruiting at least 9 others. Ask people who have donated to you in the past to join your team. Many of these people don’t participate simply because they’ve never been asked!

Be sure to promote and share WHY you’re choosing to lead a March for Babies team and share your fundraising goal. Sharing your story and making it personal will allow others to connect with you, your team and March of Dimes.

Download our Team Captain Toolkit and Grow Your Team Flyer for more helpful tips!

week 2 - reaching out to your network

Need ideas about who to reach out to for donations? Check out our The Road to 50 Donors flyer. Start with your immediate circle and grow your outreach from there!

CREATE A FACEBOOK FUNDRAISER and post your pictures there. Sign in to your personal March for Babies fundraising page. There you will find a "Create Facebook Fundraiser" tool – just follow the prompts and your March for Babies account will be connected to Facebook. From there you can easily share your fundraiser with your followers! Connect to Facebook Messenger as well for more fundraising tips and March for Babies information.

week 3 - have you downloaded the app?

Download the March for Babies App to get the latest campaign updates. Digital resources are available via the website and the app! Search for “March for Babies” in your Apple App or Google Play store to get started.

week 4 - sharing on social media

Tag, Follow, Like & Share Information on Social Media:


Instagram @marchofdimes

Twitter MODCAL


weeks 5 & 6 - reaching your goal!

The last two weeks of the challenge are a great time to touch base again with your entire network. If you haven't yet hit your goal, let your contacts know how close you are to it. Provide them with a breakdown of what it will take to get there. For example, "If X number of people contribute $X apiece, I will achieve my goal!" If you've already succeeded in achieving your initial goal, increase it. People love to be the ones who help get a fundraiser to the goal line!

Create a sense of urgency using the last day of the challenge (April 18) as a deadline. Circle back to those folks who perhaps offered to support you but have not yet contributed. Folks are busy, so a slight nudge is always appreciated! And don't forget to ask your contacts if their employers match their giving. It's a great way to have donations doubled and sometimes tripled!